A Message From The President:
To all that visit our website, I would like to extend a welcome.
The founding purpose of our organization, and the primary role we are engaged in, is to provide educational information to the public on life issues. As for the three main groups that will visit this site:
Supporters of the Pro-Life cause
We are proud of your principled stand on life and honoured that you have reached out to our site. Note that we believe all human life from conception to natural death is invaluable regardless of age, race, ability, sex or intellect, and worthy of cherishing and protecting. As such, in addition to what you find located on these web pages, if there is any additional information or services you require, we are at your disposal to work to provide you what you seek. Please reach out to us and whether it is supplemental research, Pro-Life apologetics, specific Pro-Life contacts, direct presentations or literature or reading materials, we’ll strive to get you what you need.
Individuals investigating life issues
We are glad you are exploring this critical topic and encourage you to learn more. All of us involved in Edmonton Pro-Life have previously been where you are. It is our hope you will do a detailed and critical search of both the information we provide and sites with the same view as ours, as well as sites that support abortion, euthanasia and other issues opposed to the sanctity of all life. Critically assess who seeks to provide the most detailed information based on scientific discovery and the latest and most relevant data, and who appeals to emotion. It is your decision to make on these subjects, and we encourage you to make an informed one. If you feel you need any information further clarified, please reach out to us directly.
Those whose views are contrary to the Culture of Life
You as well are welcome. We would respectfully request that you engage in a civil manner. If you are predisposed to hostility, I might humbly suggest you ponder what makes the view that all life is equal and sacred, from the littlest and most feeble to the most powerful, as a trigger for animosity? We hope that this will trigger additional questions and quarries. Some meek suggestions might include, if abortion is just a medical procedure, why the Pro-Abortion side is so loath that anyone should observe it, or why this same side is basically devoid of anything dealing with the field fetal development? Regardless of what those questions might be, the site is yours to explore. We sincerely hope it provides you with meaningful information.
— Andrew Thomson, President of Edmonton Prolife

Who We Are
Our Pro-Life team is a diverse and dedicated group of individuals, bound together by a shared passion for defending the sanctity of human life. A board of directors oversees resources and event planning. Many generous volunteers support the work of Edmonton Prolife as opportunities are available. We believe that networking with other prolife organizations is essential to increasing our effectiveness and message of hope for protection of the precious gift of life.
"We Stand For The Protection of Life From Conception to Natural Death Through Peaceful Actions."
Our Message and History:
Established in 1981, Edmonton Prolife is a not-for profit society serving Edmonton and the greater area, guided by an unwavering belief in the sanctity of human life. We focus on educational resources and presentation events to inform and build a culture of life. Our resources are available to individuals, groups and schools. We work to bring awareness about supports and resources that are available to help make a life-giving decision when faced with an unplanned pregnancy and compassionate end of life care.

Andrew Thomson

Glenn Woolger

Michelle Lamer

Anne Wansink

Janice Barth
In Memory of Anne Wansink
It is with great sadness that we bring to the attention of the greater Edmonton Prolife community that we have lost a great friend and colleague in Anne Wansink. In many ways, Anne was the life and soul of Edmonton Prolife. Anne got involved with Edmonton Prolife soon after its beginning, and never once stepped aside from her commitment to advocate for the unborn, the elderly, and the disabled. Even after retirement from her long nursing career, she was fully engaged in all aspects of what we do. She was our longest serving board member, keen in ensuring donations were well spent, spearheading new initiatives, as well as volunteering to cover off the mundane but necessary tasks – to name some of the many responsibilities she embraced.
Over and above the work she undertook, Anne brought forward a dynamic and endearing personality. Anything contentious was met with a radiant and sincere smile, as well as a confident and purposeful response. She was always open to engage in conversation. Either to offer an ear as a sounding board, to put forward ideas, or just engage in comradery. Anne was without question diligent and unwavering in her commitment to any project she initiated or adopted. She possessed an exceptional moral compass rooted in a love of God, a love of family and a love of all members of the human family.
If there was one of her special traits that stood out more than others it was kindness. A unique kindness that was never forced but radiated from within. It was this kindness at Anne’s core that established her in her nursing profession where she could focus on caring for others, and brought her to the Pro-life movement where she could share her kindness and concern on behalf of the most oppressed, and weather all of the hardships and adversity this line of charity endures.
Anne will be missed by her children and grandchildren she was so fond to talk about, and we think of them in this time of sorrow. For those who would like to pay respects, her funeral will take place February 15th at 1:00 pm at Holy Family Parish in St. Albert. If anyone has a story about Anne they would like to share we would welcome hearing it. Email, phone, or a stop by the office all work. Although it hurts to have lost Anne, we are grateful for the memories we can share of our dear friend. .