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“Abortion” is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by removing or expelling the embryo or fetus before it can develop into a viable, self-sustaining life. Pro-life advocates oppose abortion, asserting that every unborn life, regardless of its stage of development, deserves protection and the chance to thrive.


The pro-life movement is rooted in the belief that every human life is valuable and deserving of protection. We advocate for alternatives to abortion that empower women, support families, and promote a culture of life.

Our aim is to provide life giving choices to those who are vulnerable and facing  difficult decisions. By working together, we can build a society where every child is given the chance to thrive, and women are supported in their journey through pregnancy and motherhood

If you or someone you know is considering the route of abortion, we ask you to strongly reconsider this decision and view some of the resources below.

Being Pregnant Doesn't Mean You Don't Have Choices.

Navigating pregnancy is a deeply personal journey, and it’s essential to remember that being pregnant doesn’t mean you lack choices. From prenatal care decisions to birthing plans, you have the right to make informed choices that align with your values and preferences.

Click the button below to learn about your options.

What is an Abortion?

An abortion is a medical or surgical procedure that intentionally terminates a pregnancy.

Pregnant means “having a child or young developing in the uterus” (Oxford Canadian Dictionary of Current English). Therefore, terminating a pregnancy means terminating the child developing inside the uterus (womb). Considering that human life begins at conception (fertilization), this means that abortion always ends the life of a human being

Abortion can be chosen as a matter of convenience”, but is also very often influenced by negligence in the care and support which should be given to pregnant women.

 However, there are alternatives to abortion which can help meet the needs and concerns of women and preserve the life of the child.

Abortifacients (Abortion Causing Drugs)

The Morning After Pill – Not just a contraceptive. From Focus on the Family.
The Pill: Abortifacient or Contraceptive? – The facts from Pharmacists for Life International
RU-486: The Abortion Pill – What it is, how it works.
The Protection of Conscience Project – A Canadian project to promote freedom of conscience for medical professionals, most pressingly for pharmacists who may be required to dispense abortifiacients.

Abortion and Disability

Benotafraid.net – An online outreach to parents who have received a poor or difficult prenatal diagnosis. In these cases, parents are often pressured to have an abortion. This website has support information and personal stories from parents of children diagnosed with many different disabilities.

Why Carry a Dying Child? A Mother’s Perspective – Teresa Streckfuss’s article about her two anencephalic babies’ short lives
The Canadian Down Syndrome Society – A place for families to find support. Down Syndrome is one of the most common reasons parents are pressured to have an abortion.

Abortion and Religion

Pro-lifers come from many religious backgrounds. These pro-life resources should not be understood as an endorsement of any one religious group. They have been selected because they deal with some religious aspects that often come up in discussions about abortion.

Dead Silence: Must the bible say abortion is wrong before we can know it’s wrong?  – Scott Klusendorf of ‘Life Training Institute’: Pro-abortion activists say the Bible supports their view. Here is why they are wrong.
What the Bible Says About the Beginning of Life – Article from Focus on the Family
The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) – Pope John Paul II’s 1995 Encyclical. “A precise and vigorous reaffirmation of the value of human life and its inviolability.”

Message for Catholics Who Have Been Involved in an Abortion – The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, reaches out lovingly and compassionately to women who have had an abortion in his encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae (EV), the Gospel of Life.

The Church Fathers on Abortion – There’s a myth that the Catholic Church once supported abortion. This collection of early Church teachings on abortion shows the truth.
The Roman Catholic Church and Abortion: An Historical Perspective by Donald DeMarco. An extensive two-part essay refuting the same myth and outlining the history of the Church’s opposition to abortion.

Abortion and Women's Health

Abortion and Breast Cancer:
Breast Cancer Prevention Institute: Institute founded by Dr. Joel Brind and others to promote accurate education about breast cancer risks and prevention.
Real Choice – A blog dedicated to women killed and injured by legal abortion
UN Data Shows Banning Abortion Doesn’t Increase Maternal Mortality – February 17, 2006 article by Bradford Short, Culture of Life Foundation
Maternal Mortality in the Developing World – An overview from Matercare International.
Maternal Health Care and the “Silent Tsunami – An interview with the Director of Matercare International.

Prenatal Development & Types of Abortion | Live Action

Are Fetuses Human? (video) – YouTube

Abortion in Canada

There are no laws regarding abortion in Canada. The previous law was struck down in 1988 and no legislation has ever been drafted to take its place. Unlike the US, the courts have never declared abortion to be a constitutional right, though there are certainly those who believe that it should be. 

In Alberta, over 11,000 abortions were reported in 2021. Statistics regarding abortions in Canada are currently released several years after the year to which they apply, and are often incomplete. The latest statistics are found here (click on one of the tabs at bottom of page in link to get specific stats).

Historical information about how we got to where we are today in Canada can be found through these links:
A Brief History of Abortion in Canada – Timeline of legal and political decisions regarding abortion in Canada.
R. vs. Morgentaler – Text of Supreme Court 1988 judgment.

Abortion in the United States

Abortion Court Cases – An outline of the major American cases concerning abortion, including Roe vs. Wade. Links to further resources.
Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation (excerpt)
– Ronald Reagan wrote this extraordinary essay while still president to mark the tenth anniversary of Roe vs. Wade in 1983. Written for an American audience, its passionate declaration of the sanctity of life speaks to us all.
Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime? – No it didn’t, but it’s a popular myth. The link is to a thorough debunking.
Abortion and Feminist History – Did you know the early feminists – people like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Mary Wollstonecraft – were pro-life? Feminists for Life has the whole story.

Arguments against Abortion

Five Bad Ways to Argue about Abortion – Scott Klusendorf of ‘Life Training Institute’ outlines the five most common pro-abortion arguments, what’s wrong with them, and how to quickly and clearly refute them.
Pro-Woman Answers to Pro-Choice Questions – “Perhaps you’ve wondered how to answer tough questions like, “What about rape?” Perhaps you didn’t want to choose sides or tell someone else what to do or think. Perhaps you just wanted a good answer for yourself. The good news is that Feminists for Life has compelling answers that make sense. Women deserve better® than abortion.””
The Feminist Case Against Abortion – Serrin Foster, President of Feminists for Life, explains how abortion is anti-woman

Questions and Answers Resources

Why Can’t We Love Them Both? Questions and Answers About Abortion – Now you can read John C. Willke, MD and Barbara H. Willke, R.N.’s classic book on-line through Abortionfacts.com. This book is the pro-life resource, and it and its predecessors have been the standard work of reference on abortion since the first American edition of “Handbook on Abortion” was published in 1971. 

Human Life Review – The Human Life Review is the only publication of its kind in the world: a journal devoted to life issues, primarily abortion but also “neonaticide,” genetic engineering, cloning, and fetal tissue experimentation, as well as the end-of-life issues of euthanasia, assisted suicide and suicide.

Abortion Pill Reversal

The RU-486 abortion pill is known as Mifegymiso here in Canada. It is a two drug combination of mifepristone and misoprostol. If you have only taken the first drug, mifepristone (also called Mifeprex), less than 72 hours ago, and have not yet taken the second drug, misoprostol (also called Cytotec), you may be able to preserve the pregnancy if you act quickly. 

For abortion pill reversal help, please call the 24/7 abortion pill reversal hotline to speak with a medical professional: 1-877-558-0333. Live chat is also available at https://abortionpillreversal.com/. As well, you can email at help@apr.life.

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